Global development cooperation -
ECOLOGICON is involved in DC projects worldwide

ECOLOGICON actively participates in the development and expansion of a sustainable circular economy on an international level by supporting international organisations such as the German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂĽr Internationale Zusammenarbeit), which is one of our partners.

Consulting, know-how and technology transfer for improving circular economy in developing and emerging countries

As part of our development cooperation activities, we are contractors of development organisations all over the world.

We successfully were able to provide our expertise in our specialised areas of

for the projects of our partners.

This is often combined with our broad understanding of circular and waste management solutions, especially in relation to take-back systems, best practice solutions for manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic treatment where appropriate, the development of business and economic plans and concepts, as well as a close look at local requirements.

In this respect, one of our strengths is the creation and evaluation of the economic viability of concepts and projects in the target countries.

We are aware that a solution implemented in a country that is only financed by development cooperation funds is normally not a sustainable, viable solution. If the economic parameters are right, funding from development cooperation is the necessary kick-start for building a sustainable, circular and self-sustaining business model that can sustain itself in the long run. If the economic parameters are not right, projects and concepts, as promising as they may be, are unfortunately often abandoned with the loss of funding.

ECOLOGICON considers all actors and their activities in the circular economy and their processes. Among other things, we derive change and, if necessary, optimisation measures and new strategies on an operational, economic, technical and legal level.

Implementing sustainability in development cooperation for emerging and developing countries is a core pillar of our operations and activities. In addition to the economic components, we also consider this to be a contribution to achieving the goals of development cooperation and a contribution to achieving the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Next to the active participation in projects of our partners, ECOLOGICON is also involved in the PREVENT Waste Alliance network.

In the PREVENT WASTE ALLIANCE we are part of the working group E-Waste.


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Goldleite 9
97234 Reichenberg – Germany
phone +49 931 4523070