Solutions > Product Management
ECOLOGICON supports you in managing your product compliance. We inform you about your obligations throughout the life cycle of your products, from development to disposal, and research market or competitive data for you.
What does the term compliance stand for? The engl. The term compliance translates as legal conformity. In terms of content, this refers to the company's obligations to ensure compliance with binding legal provisions and to implement these legal requirements properly.
We advise on:
Product and commitment analyses, extended producer responsibility and its implementation (ERP), implementation of sustainable product strategies, product certifications, sustainable product and company strategies, recyclability and recycling potentials for products, CO2 balances
Integrate legal compliance for your products across your organization and get the compliance consulting and product stewardship expertise you need to implement your business models.
Many products on the market are marked with CE (CE – ConformitĂ© EuropĂ©enne). Products require CE marking before they can be sold in Europe. The CE mark is an indication that a product has been tested by the manufacturer and that it meets all EU-wide requirements for safety, health protection and environmental protection.
The manufacturer is responsible for compliance with European regulations and for affixing the CE marking. This applies regardless of whether the manufacturer is located inside or outside the European Community. For this purpose, the manufacturer may appoint an authorized representative established within the European Community to act on his behalf.
A labeling obligation exists if your product is subject to corresponding EU regulations that require CE labeling. By affixing the CE marking to the product, the manufacturer, distributor or EU authorized representative declares, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008, that the product meets all relevant requirements. It is mandatory for all products marketed in the EU. When the conformity of a product has been assessed and confirmed by a notified body, the complete marking includes, in addition to the CE mark, the four-digit identification number assigned by the notified body.
Specifications for the CE marking
Layout specifications for the CE marking. The European Commission offers image files for download on its website.
Since 2023, the CE mark for the United Kingdom (excluding Northern Ireland) has lost its significance as a market approval mark for products. Only the UKCA logo will then be valid. In addition to affixing the UKCA logo, anyone wishing to place products on the market in the UK had to carry out a conformity assessment in accordance with the applicable UK product legislation and draw up a UKCA declaration of conformity.
The term REACH is derived from the English title of the European Chemicals Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006): “Regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals” and stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. The EU regulation applies equally and directly in all member states. The REACH Regulation is a European Union regulation that came into force on June 1, 2007 to protect people and the environment and reduce the risks that can arise from the use of chemicals. The REACH regulation is intended to promote the competitiveness and innovation of the chemical industry in the EU and to ensure the free movement of chemicals on the internal market.
Video: REACH 2018: Know your portfolio
Video: REACH 2018 – Keep your registration up-to-date
REACH is based on the principle of producer or product responsibility and states that manufacturers, importers and downstream users take responsibility for their chemicals. Manufacturers and importers of chemicals are required to submit registration data, self-assess the risks posed by the substances, submit them to the authority, and provide users with information on risk management measures. Without registration, the chemicals may not be placed on the market.
The tasks of the authorities (ECHA) are to support stakeholders, review registrations and regulate substances with properties of potential concern or substances (SVHC) that lead to risks for humans or the environment.
REACH is not only one of the most modern and at the same time strictest chemical laws, it is also a very detailed and complex set of regulations.
SVHC stands for “substances of very high concern”. These substances of very high concern are collected in the ECHA candidate list. The list is renewed twice a year. Prominent examples of substances on the candidate list are lead, cadmium and many phthalates. Further substances can be found in the following link and the list presented there:
The SCIP database is an electronic database of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) that contains information on substances of very high concern in articles. As of January 5, 2021, companies supplying articles to the EU market that contain Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in concentrations greater than 0.1% by weight must provide information about those articles and the SVHC they contain to ECHA.
Video: Who needs to notify to the SCIP database?
Video: Top tips to improve your SCIP notification
POPs refer to so-called “Persistent Organic Pollutants” – organic chemicals that are characterized by longevity (persistence) and accumulate in organisms and food chains (bioaccumulation and biomagnification). Their harmful effects pose a risk to health and the environment. These chemicals have a particularly high mobility and can be detected in remote regions due to global trade, although the use of the products is limited to regions of industrialized countries. This fact requires an effective containment of the harmful effect in the international framework.
Overarching targets have been agreed in international conventions to reduce or eliminate the production, use and release of POP substances as far as possible. The Stockholm Convention is implemented in Europe by Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 of June 20, 2019 (EU POP Regulation).
POPs are divided into two groups:
Since 2004, regulation has been in place for 12 substances. These substances were mainly pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene), but also industrial chemicals and by-products (so-called uPOPs) (e. g. B. hexachlorobenzenes and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)) and dioxins and furans (PCDD/PCDF). Since then, other substances have been added. Some of the substances included in the POPs Regulation are subject to specific exemptions (time-limited) and some have accepted uses for an unlimited period of time.
The handling of chemical substances, mixtures and articles is regulated by a large number of legal provisions and is extremely complex. Have your products or company externally verified and registered.
CE marking
REACH according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006
Integrate legal compliance for your products into your business and get our product consulting and marketability expertise for products and substances you need to implement your business models.
Many companies and their customers already demand the well-known quality, environmental, or energy management systems from their partners and suppliers. The trend towards specific certificates for products continues to grow and gain in importance for companies and competitive comparisons. Consumers are increasingly opting for products with high environmental standards and certificates.
Nordic Swan
Video: This is the Nordic Swan Ecolabel
The Nordic Ecolabel, also known as the Nordic Swan, is a voluntary eco-label issued by the Nordic Council of Ministers for the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Established in the late 1980s, it now covers some 55 product groups and has consolidated its high market position as the official eco-label of the Nordic countries. The level of awareness of the mark in Scandinavian countries is very high, comparable to that of the Blue Angel in Germany.
The Nordic Ecolabel works to reduce the environmental impact of production and consumption of products through the logo, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.
This makes it easier for consumers and professional buyers to choose the environmentally best products and services. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a Type I ecolabel (according to DIN EN ISO 14024) and makes a statement about the environmental performance of products compared to competing products by independent third parties.
After three to five years, the respective criteria are reviewed again and revised if necessary.
More information can also be found on the pages of the Nordic Swan:
Video: The “BLUE ANGEL” in everyday life – German
Video: The “BLUE ANGEL” – English
The Blue Angel eco-label was introduced in 1978 on the initiative of the German federal government and by a resolution of the German states. The Blue Angel is a voluntary Ecolabel and a market-based instrument for tracking corporate environmental policy.
The scientific, holistic approach and the independence of the label through the broad participation of professional and business associations and the Environmental Label Jury form the basis for the high level of trust that consumers place in the Ecolabel.
The Blue Angel eco-label is a Type I eco-label according to DIN EN ISO 14024. The German Ecolabel of the Federal Government is committed to providing consumers and professional users with more guidance for purchasing sustainable products and services.
The Ecolabel is intended to reduce the environmental impact of the production and consumption of products.
You can also find more information on the pages of the Blue Angel:
Have your products or your company externally audited and certified.
We support and accompany you from the application to the certification. So it is made easy for you!
Certifications according to external standards and voluntary environmental standards:
Integrate sustainability into your business and get our product consulting and expertise on certifications for your products that you need to implement your business models in a sustainable way.
The design and manufacture of products influence their environmental impact throughout their entire life cycle, and the recyclability of products must also be taken into account, particularly during their subsequent disposal. Already during production, products are subject to certain criteria, such as the Ecodesign Directive at European level.
With the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC, the European Commission has for the first time created a framework for defining product group-specific minimum requirements in order to reduce environmental impacts throughout the entire life cycle through improved product design.
The aim of the directive is to improve the environmental compatibility of energy-relevant products, taking into account their entire life cycle, by specifying ecodesign requirements.
It is also possible for manufacturers to go beyond legal expectations and have their products certified to show customers and consumers their commitment to quality and sustainability. You may also want to make it easier to recycle your products from the start by applying the principles of design for recycling.
To ensure consumer safety in the European market, many product areas are subject to harmonized European legislation and strict criteria for placing on the market and obtaining CE conformity.
Review product portfolio
Companies should review their product portfolio to see which products are affected by the new rules and how much effort and cost is involved in the changes to the law. For which products is a declaration of conformity required? Before you can sell a product in an EU country, it must comply with the regulations that apply in that country and throughout the EU.
We advise on:
Compliance with product stewardship and applicable rules and laws:
ECOLOGICON can help you to check your products and packaging for compliance with applicable national laws – throughout Europe and worldwide.
Your products and packaging are subject to EPR regulation? At ECOLOGICON, we can help you gain clarity on your European and national obligations and provide support in dealing with the authorities and take-back systems in the various EU countries. We advise and assist you with the registration procedures and the reports you need to submit to the authorities.
If you are not established in Germany, we can also act as your authorized representative.
Extended producer responsibility (EPR) and support with producer responsibility services.
Integrate legal compliance for your products across your organization and get the compliance consulting and product stewardship expertise you need to implement your business models.
We take the bureaucracy out of your hands so you can focus on what’s important: offering high-quality products and growing your business.
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